Monday, March 2, 2009

Traffic Generating Tips

This article is going to be hard-hitting stuff. It is going to make a few marketers take serious action on growing their business; I mean it. The fact is that most marketers are left in the dark when it comes to generating web traffic online. All it takes is a little clarity for you to finally 'see the light' and start turning on the tap for unlimited traffic.
So you want to know the cold hard truth about generating traffic? The reality is that there is no 'best' traffic source. There isn't. Even Google only reaches a percentage of the Internet population. There are many people who still use Yahoo and MSN for their searches. So if you only use Google AdWords and ignore other pay per click networks, you are missing out on a lot of traffic. So don't believe every word of what people say when they say that 'Oh, you should use Yahoo, because AdWords is too crowded. Or you should forget MSN because there is not enough traffic there'. If you want to go into PPC advertising, you will want to eventually target all three big networks to get the maximum amount of traffic.
Many people also claim article marketing is the best traffic source out there, and I have been guilty of that a few times. Well, there is no doubting it is one of the best free traffic sources out there. But similarly, if you only use articles to market your business, you are missing out on a lot of visitors because not everyone is a fan of reading. Others prefer videos or prefer hanging out in forums and social networks.
The bottom line: you need to diversify your traffic sources. This is so that you reach the maximum proportion of online surfers who are interested in your product. Also, if one traffic source fails, you will have many to back you up.

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